Thursday, April 26, 2018

Examples of Renewable Resources - A science video for kids

Renewable resources are an important aspect of sustainability.
According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the most frequently used renewable resources are biomass, water, geothermal, wind and solar
Unlike fossil fuels, we can regenerate or replenish these resources. Although biomass in the form of wood once supplied 90 percent of U.S. energy needs, all renewable energy sources combined supplied only about 8 percent of in 2009.
With the rising cost and decreasing availability of nonrenewable fossil fuels, renewable resources are receiving increasing attention. ... via SF Gate.

Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources

Because fossil fuels can run out and are bad for the environment, it is important that we start switching to other energy sources, like renewable energy sources. These are energy sources that are constantly being replenished, such as sunlight, wind, and water. This means that we can use them as much as we want, and we do not have to worry about them running out. Additionally, renewable energy sources are usually much more environmentally friendly than fossil fuels. Overall, they release very few chemicals, like carbon dioxide, that can harm the environment.

Currently, less than ten percent of all the energy we use comes from renewable sources.

So, you might be wondering, 'if renewable energy sources do not harm the environment and will not run out, then why are we not using them everywhere and all the time?' It is because many of them are currently expensive to harness, are inefficient, or have other disadvantages.

For example, using energy from the wind might be great in an area that is really windy all year-round, but it wouldn't work so well in an area with very little wind. via Definition-Example

Top 10 Renewable Energy Sources

There are many sources of energy that are renewable and considered to be environmentally friendly and harness natural processes.

These sources of energy provide an alternate ‘cleaner’ source of energy, helping to negate the effects of certain forms of pollution. All of these power generation techniques can be described as renewable since they are not depleting any resource to create energy.

While there are many large-scale renewable energy projects and production, renewable technologies are also suited to small off-grid applications, sometimes in rural and remote areas, where energy is often crucial in human development. via Top10Listverse

GCSE Bitesize: Renewable and non-renewable energy resources

Over the last 200 years, an ever-increasing proportion of our energy has come from non-renewable sources such as oil and coal. While demand for energy rises these resources are running out and scientists are exploring the potential of renewable sources of energy for the future.

All life on earth is sustained by energy from the sun. Plants and animals can store energy and some of this energy remains with them when they die.

It is the remains of these ancient animals and plants that make up fossil fuels [fossil fuelFuels such as coal, gas and oil which are mined from the earth and burned to produce energy. They are formed from broken-down animals and plants that died a very long time ago. ].

Fossil fuels are non-renewable [non-renewableA resource that cannot be replaced when it is used up, such as oil, natural gas or coal. ] because they will run out one day.

Burning fossil fuels generates greenhouse gases [greenhouse gasNaturally occurring gases in the atmosphere such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. They are believed to have increased through burning more oil, petrol, and coal. ] and relying on them for energy generation is unsustainable. via Energysources - BBC

Difference Between Renewable and Non-renewable Resources

Renewable vs Non-renewable Resources
Nature has gifted us with a lot of products without which we would not be in the conditions we are today. Today, we might say that we are “developed,” but it would not have been possible without the gifts that the Mother Earth has provided us.

Almost all types of resources from nature are used by human beings. Some resources are limitless and some are limited and will soon be extinct along with their tracks on this planet. Some might be used again while some will lie around unused and simply go to waste.

Renewable Resources
Renewable resources are those resources which can be renewed or replaced over time. Great examples of infinite, renewable resources are wind, sunlight, tides, biomass, etc. Some of the renewable resources are supposed to have continuous supplies, such as wind energy and solar energy, while some others take a greater time in their renewal like wood, oxygen, etc.

Geothermal energy is another good example of renewable resources. It is the source of energy which is extracted from the heat which is stored under the surface of the Earth. This source is considered to be cost-efficient and most sustainable. It is found in the form of inactive volcanic sites and hot springs. This form of energy may be utilised in heating, generating electricity, and heat pumps. Geothermal energy is a sustainable source as the hot water seeps down into the crust again.

Biomass is also considered a renewable resource if used properly. ... via RenewableResources

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