Wednesday, March 20, 2019

6 Biogas Analysis and Gas Quality Monitoring Equipment Suppliers EU

Biogas Equipment, a List of 6 Biogas Analysis and Gas Quality Monitoring Equipment Suppliers
Biogas analysis and maximizing the efficiency of anaerobic digestion plants is gaining more attention, as the anaerobic digestion industry matures.

The highest prices are only available for top quality biogas with a consistently high calorific value after upgrading (purification).

To do that operators need to pay close attention to the quality of the digester off-gas.

Thankfully, robust and low-cost biogas analysis sensors are available from a number of manufacturers, for controlling the various biogas quality upgrading processes.

Many devices combine the functions of biogas flow measurement with quality monitoring systems for a wide variety of needs.

We found the following list of suppliers of Gas Analyzers for landfills and the biogas plant sector:

1. GEOTECH Gas Analysers for Landfills and the Biogas Sector.
2. Cameron Instruments – Multitec Biocontrol.
3. Union Instruments – Inca Biogas Analyzers.
4. Wilexa Energy – CSM Continuous Siloxane Monitors for Landfill Biogas.
5. Progeco – Biogas Analysis Equipment.
6. Avensys Solutions – Awiflex Biogas Analyzer.


6 Biogas Analysis and Gas Quality Monitoring Equipment Suppliers
The need to continuously measure methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2).
can be joined with a need for analysis of the much lower low percentages of CO, H2S, N2, O2,  which can also be found in the biogas composition.

Thankfully, monitoring equipment has been developed to do what is needed.

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