Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Hungarian biogas CHP plant opens - Cogeneration & On-Site Power Production Magazine

Hungary’s largest biogas power plant was officially opened on 13 September in the city of Szarvas, where it will provide 4.2 MW of electricity and an equal amount of heat, supporting onsite operations and feeding the local grid.


(It is not clear whether this video is for the same power plant as in the article.)

German company r.e Bioenergie built the combined cooling, heat and power (CCHP) plant, which features three Jenbacher J416 engines supplied by GE.

The plant is being run in close co-operation with the poultry processing plant operator Gallicoop Pulykafeldolgozó, which provides much of the raw biomass that is converted into biogas to power the Jenbacher engines.

The anaerobic digestion facility is about 4 km east of the poultry processing plant. To optimize the efficiency of the thermal energy, a special pipeline delivers the biogas from the digester facility to the Jenbacher engines at the processing plant.

The CCHP system’s thermal power is then used to supply on-site heating and cooling. Any excess electricity is fed into the local grid.

For more biomass news click here

View the original article here

1 comment:

Randy Mott said...

This will be a huge problem: (1) open air transfer of substrate will smell;(2) the membrane tops are not odor tight (CH4 tight, but not odor)(Danish EPA 2007); (3) the open digestate storage will likely smell since it is likely that not all fatty acids will be broken down by an operator without a lot of experience i poultry waste). The 4.2 MW size is too large to be sustainable as substrate sources inevitably change.
Randy Mott
CEERES Sp. z o.o.
Warsaw, Poland